丁永和,男,理学博士,51cg今日吃瓜热门大瓜特聘教授。美国心脏协会(AHA)评审委员会委员,Frontiers in Physiology(IF:4.566)和Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (IF:6.643)杂志学术编辑,兼任Cardiovascular Research (IF:10.787)等杂志的论文评审专家和国自然基金项目评审专家。2006年博士毕业于中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,并获得2008年全国优博荣誉称号。2018年任职51cg今日吃瓜热门大瓜特聘教授,主要从事心脏疾病遗传机制和药物干预研究,现主持国自然面上项目1项。在Nature Methods(IF:28.467)、Science Advances (IF:14.136),Circulation Research(IF:17.376)以及Autophagy(IF:16.016)等杂志发表研究论文三十余篇。
1. 心脏肿瘤学
3. 心肌病的遗传机制和药物干预
1,Ouyang S, Qin W-M, Niu Y-J, Ding Y-H and Deng Y. An EGFP Knock-in Zebrafish Experimental Model Used in Evaluation of the Amantadine Drug Safety During Early Cardiogenesis. Front. Cardiovasc. Med.2022, 9:839166. (IF:6.050,共同通讯作者)
2,Li L-P, Zhong J, Li M-H Li, Sun Y-C Sun, Niu Y-J, Wu C-H, Zhou J-F, Norton N, Li Z-Q, Shi Y-Y, Xu X-L,Ding Y-H. MAP7D1 Gene Function Increases the Risk of Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure. Biomed Research International. 2021,2021:8569921.(IF:3.411,通讯作者)
3,Zhong J, Li L-P, Zhou J-F, Ding Y-H. Genetic determinant of familial dilated cardiomyopathy and genotype-targeted therapeutic strategy. Cardiac diseases-novel aspects of cardiac risk, cardiorenal pathology and cardiac interventions, IntechOpen, 2020, ISBN 978-1-83968-162-2.(通讯作者)
4,Ma X, Zhu P, Ding Y, Zhang H, Qiu Q, Dvornikov A.V, Wang Z, Kim M, Wang Y, Lowerison M, Yu Y, Norton N, Joerg Herrmann J, Ekker SC, Hsiai T, Lin X, Xu X. Retinoid X receptor alpha is a spatiotemporally predominant therapeutic target for anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Science Advances. 2020, 6: eaay2939. (IF:14.136)
5, Ding Y, Jeon R, Ran L, Pan W, Wang F, Li Q. New onset QT prolongation is a novel predictor of mortality in critically ill patient. Critical care,2019,23, 229. (IF: 9.097)
6, Ding Y, Alexey V. Dvornikov AV, Ma X, Zhang H, Wang Y, Lowerison M, Rene R. R, Wang L, Chen J, Zhang Y, Hsiai8 T, Lin X, and Xu X. Haploinsufficiency of mechanistic target of rapamycin ameliorates bag3 cardiomyopathy in adult zebrafish. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 2019, 12: dmm040154.(IF:5.758,兼共同通讯作者)
7,Ding Y, Long AP, Bos JM, Shih Y-H, Ma X, Sundsbak RS, Chen J, Jiang Y, Zhao L, Hu X, Wang J, Shi Y, Ackerman MJ, Lin X, Ekker SC, Redfield MM, Olson TM and Xu X. A Modifier Screen Identifies DNAJB6 as a Cardiomyopathy Susceptibility Gene. JCI Insight. 2016, 1(14):e88797.(IF:8.315)
8,Ding Y, Liu W, Deng Y, Jomok B, Yang J, Huang W, Clark KJ, Zhong TP, Lin X, Ekker SC and Xu X. Trapping Cardiac Recessive Mutants via Expression-based Insertional Mutagenesis Screening. Circulation Research. 2013, 112(4):606-17. (IF:17.376)
9,Ding Y, Sun X, and Xu X. TOR-Autophagy Signaling in Adult Zebrafish Models of Cardiomyopathy. Autophagy. 2012, 8(1):142-3..(IF:16.016)
10,Clark KJ, Balciunas D, Pogoda HM, Ding Y, Westcot SE, Bedell VM, Greenwood TM, Urban MD, Skuster KJ, Petzold AM, Ni J, Nielson A, Sivasubbu S, Xu X, Hammerschmidt M, and Ekker SC. In Vivo Protein Trapping Produces a Functional Expression Codex of the Vertebrate Proteome. Nature Methods. 2011, 8(6): 506-51.(IF: 28.467)
1, 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,82070394, 2021/01-2024/12, 55万元,主持