靳远,女,1990年生,河南信阳人。2017年12月毕业于美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(University of Nebraska-Lincoln),获得博士学位。现为51cg今日吃瓜热门大瓜副教授,硕士生导师。
1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,马兜铃酸通过激活组成型雄甾烷受体毒性通路致肝损伤的作用机制研究,2023/1/1-2026/12/31,50万,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委青年项目,hsa-miR-766通过抑制NQO1表达调控马兜铃酸I致肝毒性的机制研究,2020/01-2022/12,21万,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委,重大研究计划集成项目,91943301,大气细颗粒物健康危害的系统毒理学与系统流行病学研究,2020/01-2022/12,骨干
4. 科技部,国家重点研发计划课题,SQ2017YFC1600200,基于人群队列的食品污染物生物标志物研究与应用,2018/01-2021/12,骨干
[1] Yumei Ma#, Chenlong Du, Yuzhen Liu, Meiyao Feng, Yingqing Shou, Dianke Yu, Yuan Jin* (2024). “Aristolochic acid-induced dyslipidemia and hepatotoxicity: The potential role of FXR and AHR receptors.” Ecotoxicol Environ Saf (IF: 6.2).
[2]Qinkai Lei#, Chenlong Du, Yumei Ma, Yingqing Shou, Li Chen, Chiyuan Feng, Yuxin Zheng, Dianke Yu, Yuan Jin* (2024). “ Identifying piRNAs that regulate BaP-induced lung injuries: A bottom-up approach from toxicity pathway investigation to animal validation.” Ecotoxicol Environ Saf (IF: 6.2). PMID: 38636406.
[3] Jin, Yuan#, Yingqing Shou#, Qinkai Lei, Chenlong Du, Lin Xu, Ningning Chen, Wanli Ma, Xiaoxiao Zhu, Shuya Zhou, Yuxin Zheng, Dianke Yu* (2023) .“An entropy weight method to integrate big omics and mechanistically evaluate DILI.” Hepatology. (IF: 12.9) PMID: 37820269.
[4] Yuzhen Liu, Heyuan Guan, Meiyao Feng, Chenlong Du, Qianqian Zhang, Yingqing Shou, Guangshuai Qi, Dianke Yu, Yuan Jin*(2023). “MiR-766-3p and miR-671-5p attenuate aristolochic acid-induced hepatotoxicity bydirectly targeting the key bioactivating enzyme NQO1.” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (IF:7.129). PMID: 37285672.
[5] Yuan Jin#, Qianqian Zhang#, Yuzhen Liu, Heyuan Guan, Yingqing Shou, Chenlong Du, Jiao Luo, Kunming Zhao, Chuanhai Li, Lin Xu, Wanli Ma, Ningning Chen, Yuxin Zheng, Dianke Yu*(2022). “Identifying microRNAs that drive BaP-induced pulmonary effects: Multiple patterns of mechanisms underlying activation of the toxicity pathways.” Environment International (IF: 13.352). PMID: 36274491.
[6] Yuan Jin#, Guangshuai Qi#, Yingqing Shou, Daochuan Li, Yuzhen Liu, Heyuan Guan, Qianqian Zhang, Shen Chen, Jiao Luo, Lin Xu, Chuanhai Li, Wanli Ma, Ningning Chen, Yuxin Zheng, Dianke Yu* (2022). “High throughput data-based, toxicity pathway-oriented development of a quantitative adverse outcome pathway network linking AHR activation to lung damages.” Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF: 14.224). PMID: 34906874.
[7] Yuan Jin#, Guangshuai Qi, Meiyao Feng, Dianke Yu*(2022). “The path via pathway-based approaches towards safety assessment: A concise review.” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (IF: 4.460). PMID: 35977605.
[8] Yuan Jin#, Meiyao Feng#, Wanli Ma#, Yanhong Wei, Guangshuai Qi, Jiao Luo, Lin Xu, Xinmei Li, Chuanhai Li, Ying Wang, Daochuan Li, Jing Chen, Yanjie Zhao, Yufei Hou, Qianwen Zhao, Lidan Jiang, Mengyue Xie, Yuxin Zheng, and Dianke Yu* (2021). “A Toxicity Pathway-Oriented Approach to Develop Adverse Outcome Pathway: AHR Activation as a Case Study.” Environmental Pollution (IF: 9.988). PMID: 33011576.
[9] Hehai Huang#, Yuan Jin#, Chuanying Chen, Meiyao Feng, Qing Wang, Daochuan Li, Wen Chen, Xiumei Xing, Dianke Yu*, Yongmei Xiao* (2021). “A Toxicity Pathway-Based Approach for Modeling the Mode of Action Framework of Lead-Induced Neurotoxicity.” Environmental Research (IF: 8.431). PMID: 34004169.
[10] Wang, Shuo#, Yuan Jin#, Jing Chen, Lin Lu, Yanan Li, Qianwen Zhao, Shuhua Bu, Xue Geng, Ge Guan, Weidong Qu, Yuxin Zheng, and Jinglong Tang* (2021). “Blood Lead Levels of Chinese Children from 1991 to 2020: Based on Monte Carlo Simulation.” Environmental Pollution (IF: 9.988). PMID: 33735793.
[11] Yanan Li, Jing Chen, Shuhua Bu, Shuo Wang, Xue Geng, Ge Guan, Qianwen Zhao, Lin Ao, Weidong Qu, Yuxin Zheng, Yuan Jin*, Jinglong Tang* (2021). “Blood lead levels and their associated risk factors in Chinese adults from 1980 to 2018”. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf (IF: 7.129). PMID: 33984660.
[12] Yuan Jin, Xiaoyun He, Kwame Andoh-Kumi, Rachel Z. Fraser, Mei Lu, and Richard E. Goodman* (2017). Evaluating potential risks of allergy and toxicity of soy leghemoglobin expressed in Pichia pastoris. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research (IF: 6.575). 62(1). PMID: 28921896.
[13] Yuan Jin, Richard E. Goodman, Afua O. Tetteh, Mei Lu, and Leena Tripathi* (2017). Bioinformatics analysis to assess potential risks of allergenicity and toxicity of HRAP and PFLP proteins in genetically modified bananas resistant to Xanthomonas wilt disease. Food and Chemical Toxicology (IF: 5.572). PMID: 2883083
5. 联系方式:
E-mail: yuanjin@qdu.edu.cn