此次活动自5月19日开始,同学们踊跃投稿,抒发了自己对英雄精神的理解与崇敬。最终,通过主席团评选打分以及线上微信投票, 六位同学的作品脱颖而出。其中,李鑫莲获得一等奖,汤天和刘菲获得二等奖,刘玉燕、孔燕和张昊川获得三等奖,汤天获得最佳人气奖。在每一篇作品中,同学们都表达了自己对于英雄的崇敬和独到见解。何为英雄?英者,聪明秀出;雄者,胆力过人,英雄者,乃人群中之豪杰,为天下先者。英雄可以是把握时代脉搏的弄潮儿,也可以是在自己的岗位上恪尽职守、默默奉献的普通人,愿同学们都可以体悟英雄精神,凝聚奋斗力量,向英雄学习才是致敬英雄的最好方式。
As of May 28, the three-line love letter activity of "writing with pen and ink, telling me to respect" held by our college has been successfully ended. In the context of the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus in 2020, it is the so-called hero of the times, and there have been countless heroes going upstream. This event aims to arouse patriotic and national pride among students, and to honor the heroes of the times and express their respect.
This activity started on May 19th, and students actively submitted their articles, expressing their understanding and respect for the heroic spirit. In the end, through the scoring of the presidium selection and online WeChat voting, the works of six students stood out. Among them, Xinlian Li won the first prize, Tian Tang and Fei Liu won the second prize, Yuyan Liu, Yan Kong and Haochuan Zhang won the third prize, and Tian Tang won the best popularity award. In each piece of work, the students expressed their respect for the heroes and their unique insights. What is a hero? A wise man shows his cleverness, brave people have extraordinary courage, the hero is the person of exceptional ability in the crowd, the first in the world. Heroes can be the jerks of the pulse of the times, or they can be ordinary people who perform their duties and dedicate themselves silently in their posts. We hope that students can understand the heroic spirit, condense the fighting strength, and learn from the heroes is the best way to pay tribute to the heroes.
This activity stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of the students, and helped the students to form correct values, and helped the students to convert the patriotic enthusiasm into fighting strength. A nation that does not understand history has no root, and a nation that forgets heroes has no soul. Heroic spirit, passed down from generation to generation, patriotic enthusiasm, endless.